Pregnancy Support & Infant Care Information

Breastfeeding Support:

Certified Lactation Counselors are here to provide support for breastfeeding moms in-person in your home or the hospital, on the phone, or via zoom.  Maine Families has 3 certified lactation counselors on staff, and you do not need to be enrolled in our program to utilize this free service. Call 255-0481 to leave a message for a lactation counselor or go online to and fill out the “contact us” form.

Breastfeeding and returning to work? The Maine State Breastfeeding Coalition has a Toolkit to help you return to work after having your baby.  Click here to download the Toolkit.

Bumps and Babies:

A place of support for all moms and caregivers during pregnancy and postpartum
Machias | 1st Thursday of the month 10:00am (Porter Memorial Library)
Contact LeAnne for more information:

Childbirth Classes: 1-603-781-5845

Adventure Awaits Birth Services: This in-person class (offered in locations in Machias, Ellsworth, and Bangor) will cover the essentials of childbirth with the goal of feeling prepared and confident for your birth experience. Topics will include: Biology and mechanics of birth; Comfort measures; Role of the partner; Planning for postpartum.

This 4-day class will be offered 4 times a year: See her Facebook page for the latest class schedules. The best time to take this class is after 32 weeks of pregnancy. The cost is $100-$150, but scholarships are available.

Contact LeAnne Dunham, Certified Doula and Childbirth Educator to find out the class dates that will work best for your pregnancy and how to sign-up. Email: or call (603) 781-5845

Maine Families: 255-0438

Pregnancy support & resources; Breastfeeding support with staff certified Lactation Counselors; Child development; Building a healthy family; Online resource library

Maine Mother’s Network (AMHC): 1‐800‐244‐6431

Case management for pregnant and parenting women using substances.
Women who are pregnant or have children up to five years old are eligible.

Passages Program: 255-1468

Teen parents can earn an accredited high school diploma while staying home and caring for their baby

Public Health Nursing (PHN): 287-4112 / 1-877-763-0438

Nurse Home Visiting – Nurses can provide support to parents in their home if they have an infant with a medical condition or who has been exposed to substances prenatally.  This is a free service for residents of Maine, no insurance or Mainecare required

Text4Baby: Text Baby  to 511411

Sign up for free text messages on prenatal health and newborn health and safety information.

We Care Community Baby Center: 255-8903

Free diapers, wipes and other baby care needs available monthly to WIC or MaineCare eligible families.  We Care also has a closet of gently used clothing, shoes, outerwear, toys, and books donated from the community and We Care participants.
Machias: 5 Water Street
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursday 9a – 11am
Tuesdays 9a – 1p
We Care now provides delivery service for Machias and Lubec for families that cannot get to the center due to lack of transportation, illness, or other issues. Message We Care’s Facebook page to get on the delivery list.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC):  Calais 454-3634 | Machias 255-8280

Healthy food packages and food vouchers for pregnant women and children up until they turn five (food includes eggs, cheese, whole grains, peanut butter, fruit & vegetables, baby foods, formula, Farmer’s market vouchers and so much more); Prenatal vitamins; Breastfeeding support. Mainecare not required to be eligible. Call for more info or to make an appointment.

Calais: 10 Barker Street, Suite D  454-3634
Tuesdays 10a – 6p, Fridays 8a – 4pm

Eastport: 30 Boynton Street (at Eastport Health Center)
For Eastport dates and times call the Machias office  255-8280

Machias: 247 Main Street   255-8280
Mondays 8am – 4pm
Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Wednesdays 8am – 4pm
Thursdays 8am – 4pm
Fridays 8am – 4pm

Milbridge: 87 Main Street (at the WHRL – Women for Healthy Rural Living building)
2nd & 3rd Wednesday of each month 9a – 2:30p                                              Call the Ellsworth office to schedule an appointment for Milbridge  667-5304

Women Veterans Call Center: 1-855-829-6636

Women veterans can contact the Call Center for information about a variety of services and benefits available including women’s health and maternity care.

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