SafeLink Wireless “Lifeline Service”: 1-800-723-3546

SafeLink is a government supported program that provides a free cell phone and airtime each month to income-eligible customers.  Apply online or over the phone


Earn up to $300 in credit toward your energy bill! Sign up for the Energy Goal program and work with the program advocate to complete the outlined steps (each step is worth $50 in credit toward your energy bill). Complete all 6 steps to earn $300 in credit. Contact Downeast Community Partners and ask for their Resource Advocate at 598-5648 to get signed up.

AMP Program:

If you owe more than $500 on back bills to your electric company, this program can help you wipe out what you owe. The AMP can also work with you to see if there are some free or cheap ways to reduce how much electricity you use.

You must be enrolled in the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).  If you are not enrolled, you must apply for HEAP and be accepted, before you can apply for AMP. (If you are not enrolled click here to enroll in HEAP.)

Click here for more information on how to apply for AMP or contact your utility company and ask about AMP.  If your company will not help you, you can call the Consumer Assistance Division at the Maine Public Utilities Commission: 1-800-452-4699

LIAP Program:

The Low Income Assistance Plan (LIAP) helps low-income homeowners and renters pay for electricity costs by providing a credit on their electric bills. You must be enrolled in the HEAP program to qualify.  Contact Downeast Community Partners  to get signed up.


DCP (Downeast Community Partners): 1-800-828-7544

HEAP and THAW fuel assistance; Assistance with heating system upgrades (ECIP & CHIP). Website has online forms to view or print. Ask to speak with DCP’s “Heat Coach” for help on fuel assistance, heating your home, and making your place more fuel efficient and draft resistant.


211 Maine: Dial 2-1-1 (toll free)

Assistance finding community resources for services including emergency fuel

Catholic Charities: 523-2770

Families can call for emergency assistance with fuel

Labor of Love, Greater Eastport Ecumenical Churches Association: 853-2373

Emergency fuel assistance; Salvation Army assistance

Lubec Senior Fuel Assistance: 733-2341 (after hours emergency 733-2953)

Emergency assistance for 75 gallon of heating oil (For residents of Lubec and must be 60 years or older, have less than 1/4 tank, and have exhausted all other resources for assistance)

Machias Food Pantry, Centre Street Church: 255-6665

Emergency fuel assistance; Salvation Army assistance


Fairpoint Lifeline Program: 1-866-984-2001

Offers a reduced internet ($9.25/month) and land-line phone ($15.01/month) costs  for low income families.  911 physical mailing address is required to set up account (not a PO box).  A one-time set-up fee of about $30 may also be required.  Call for more information.


For low income residents with energy inefficient refrigerators: 800-828-7544

When you apply for LIHEAP, you are automatically considered for the Appliance Replacement Program and other assistance. Contact Downeast Community Partners for a LIHEAP application or to inquire about your eligibility for appliance replacement..

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