Car Seat Safety Program (Maine Families): 255-0481
Child car seats & booster seats for low-income families. Installation assistance, safety information, seat checks, & free trainings available for agencies, companies, groups or individuals. Online resource library. Click here to find the right size seat for your child
DCP Rides: 1-877-374-8396 or 207-664-0012
No cost or low cost roundtrip transportation for local shopping, banking, errands, even visiting friends; handicapped accessible; $2 to $8. (48 hours advanced scheduling is advised).
A. Eastport-Pleasant Point: Thursdays to Calais (times vary) / Fridays in-town Eastport (times vary)
B. Princeton-Baileyville: Monday-Friday to Calais (times vary) / In-town Calais Monday-Friday (times vary)
C. Lubec-Machias: Monday-Friday to Machias (times vary) / In-town Lubec Tuesdays (times vary) / In-town Machias Monday-Friday (times vary)
D. Milbridge-Machias: Monday-Friday to Machias (times vary) / In-town Milbridge Wednesdays Wednesdays (times vary) Four Corners in Columbia Mondays (times vary)
Dept. of Health & Human Svcs (DHHS): 1-800-432-7846
Fund to help with transportation for non-medical needs like shopping, non-medical appointments… (must submit the DHHS-R Low Income Eligibility Application to qualify). Transportation arrangements are made through calling DCP (listed below).
Downeast Community Partners (formerly WHCA): 1-855-608-5176
DCP uses ModivCare (formerly Logisticare) to provide transportation for MaineCare recipients for medical appointments and “friends and family” driver reimbursement. Call in advance to schedule a pick-up.
If you are not a MaineCare recipient, but need help arranging non-emergency medical transportation, please call DCP at 1-877-374-8396 OR 664-0012 OR 546-7547 to determine eligibility for other transportation services that they can offer.
ModivCare (formerly Logisticare) – Free Transportation To and From Medical Appointments: 1-855-608-5176
Call in advance to schedule transportation to/from medical appointments. Advance notice is needed when transporting children as vehicle needs to have car seats (or room for car seats if caregiver brings their own).
ModivCare (formerly Logisticare) – Mileage Reimbursement for Maine Care Covered Doctor’s Visits: 1-855-608-5175
Reimbursement for pre-approved doctor’s visits is .38 cents a mile. Contact ModivCare in advance to make arrangements. Click here to download the mileage reimbursement form for pre-approved trips.
Transitional Transportation (Fedcap): 1-844-585-2505 (Machias) or 1-877-369-0935 (Calais)
The Transitional Transportation Program (TT) helps families who lose their TANF or Parents as Scholars (PaS) benefits because they got a paying job. Transitional Transportation helps with your transportation costs for the first 18 months after you get your last TANF check. It is paid on a monthly basis on the last day of each month. Talk to your Fedcap worker about the TT Program when you stop receiving TANF
Transportation Assistance for Veterans: 255-8665
Limited transportation assistance for veterans from the American Legion Post #9 in Machias
West’s Transportation ($): 1-800-596-2823
Bus service from Calais to Bangor (and points in-between),
operates 7 days a week. There is a cost for this service, click here for rates