H O T L I N E S :
Ambulance / Fire / Maine State Police / Sheriff’s Office: Dial 911
Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222
Crisis HOTLINE (Maine Statewide): 1-888-568-1112
24-hour service will connect you to the closest crisis center
Crisis Help Line (AMHC): 1-800-244-6431
A 24-hour service for anyone depressed, stressed, suicidal
The Lifeline – Suicide Prevention Hotline: dial or text 988
When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network.
Homeless Crisis Hotline (National—24 Hrs.): 1-800-438-3890
Intimate Partner Violence Abuse (24/7 Hotline): 1-800-315-5579
Passamaquoddy Peaceful Relations (24 Hr. Hotline): 1-877-853-2613
Suicide Hotline: 1-888-568-1112
Veteran’s Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255, Press 1
Confidential help for Veterans and the families (provided by the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs)
S E R V I C E S :
Adult Crisis Stabilization Unit: Calais 454-1910
The ACSU is a voluntary service that offers crisis stabilization in a community-based setting. Each unit provides a 24-hour, short-term residential program for adults 18 years and older experiencing a behavioral health crisis. The goal is to stabilize the client before higher levels of care are needed. The average length of stay is five to seven days. AMHC accepts all clients regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, primary language, or handicap. Click here to download a brochure.
Calais: 127 Palmer Street
Adult Protective Services (DHHS): 1-800-624-8404
To report suspected abuse or neglect of adults over 18
Animal Welfare Program: 287-3846 or 1-877-296-9600
To report animal cruelty or abuse
Care Fund (Downeast Community Partners): 598-5648
Funds for emergency needs (must be enrolled in DCP’s Whole Family Coaching Program)
Child Protective Services (DHHS): 1-800-452-1999
Report suspected child abuse or neglect of ages 0-18
Downeast Recovery Support Centers: Calais 952-9279 / Machias 259-6238
All services are completely free. Our centers welcome individuals who are interested in learning more about how to support themselves, a loved one, or an employee.
Calais: 311 Main Street
Machias: 11 Free Street
Emergency Housing for Veterans (Augusta): 623-8411 x5647
For veterans and their family experiencing homelessness. This program is a shared living environment with supportive case management. The program provides stability while working towards housing (located in Augusta)
The Lamb House (Emergency Shelter Housing):
The Lamb House provides short-term, emergency housing for families displaced by fire, weather or other natural disaster. Located at #4 River Road in Cherryfield, the Lamb House is a mission project of the Cherryfield Congregational Church. Contact through Facebook: The Lamb House
Next Step Domestic Violence Shelter Hotline: 1-800-315-5579
Crisis response; Shelter; Legal assistance
Passamaquoddy Peaceful Relations: 853-2600 x265 or x266
Support for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Dating Violence.
Pleasant Point Child Welfare: 853-2600
The purpose of the Child Welfare Department is to ensure that children are in a safe and stable home environment, free from abuse and neglect by investigating all complaints that come into the Department. The Department also has prevention services such as respite, child care, and summer camp sponsorships in the event a family is in need of these types of services. The department also utilizes outside agencies to access services such as counseling, parenting classes, substance abuse and housing by making referrals to agencies that can provide these types of services.
Safe Families for Children: 713-0523
Volunteer host families provide temporary safe care for children while their parents take time to cope with stress or difficult situations in their lives. This arrangement is made between the parent/caregiver and Safe Families and does not involve DHHS.
Email: maine@safefamilies.net
Sexual Assault Crisis & Support (24 Hrs.): 1-800-871-7741
AMHC Sexual Assault Services offers a 24-hour, confidential, toll-free sexual assault crisis and support line for people affected by sexual violence, no matter when it happened. Trained advocates staff the support line and their job is to listen, offer support, and provide helpful, practical information and referrals to other community resources.
Washington County Emergency Management: 255-3931
Community disasters (floods, hurricanes, epidemic…)