Listed here are dental clinics and services with sliding scale fees for adults with no dental insurance.
(For children dental care is covered by MaineCare or the CHIP program – click here for a list of MaineCare/CHIP providers near you)
Calais– Dr. Karen Delaney: 904-0025
254 South St, Calais
Full service dental facility for families; including check-ups, preventative care, screenings, cleanings, restorations, extractions, dentures, and specialty services
Eastport– Dental Services at Eastport Health Care: 858-6001
30 Boynton Street, Eastport
Services include: Routine and preventative dental care, prosthetics, minor oral surgery, dental hygiene care
Harrington– Dental Clinic at Harrington Family Health Center: 483-4502
Full range of dental services: Diagnosis & treatment planning; dental hygiene care; general restorative care; extractions.
50 East Main Street, Harrington
Lubec– Dental Clinic Regional Medical Center at Lubec: 733-5541
43 South Lubec Road, Lubec
Services include: Routine cleanings, dental exams, dental restoration (fillings, crowns, etc) emergency care and replacement devices (bridges, dentures, etc). The dental clinic is open Monday through Friday
Machias- Wash. County Children’s Program – Tooth Ferry: 255-3426
WCCP’s Tooth Ferry Van
Mobile unit that travels to schools and Head Starts in the county providing oral health education and preventive care
Princeton– Dental Center at St. Croix Regional Family Health Center: 796-5503
136 Mill Street, Princeton
Dental Funds for Washington County Children: 546-5868
Financial support for children living in Washington County to receive routine dental services from Northeast Delta Dental Foundation through the Maine Seacoast Mission.
Contact Stephanie Moores at:
Maine Veterans’ Dental Network: 287-6836
The MVDN program provides a yearly grant to veterans who qualify. Eligible veterans who submit their completed application will be connected with a dental clinic in their county that will schedule an appointment for them. The program is on a first come, first served basis until funding in the veteran’s county has been exhausted; and it is not meant to supplement existing dental insurance. Click here for more information.
Fill out the online application here.
Other Resources
Children’s Dental Health:
- From the First Tooth
- Dental Health & Hygiene for young children
- Bottlemouth Syndrome
- Healthy Teeth and Your Child’s Diet
- Toothbrushing Tips for Young Children
- When Children Begin to Lose Their Baby Teeth