Calais — Infant Toddler Playgroup
Ages 0 – 5
Tuesdays 10:00 – 11:00a
Get a chance to meet other parents while your kiddo gets some energy out. All play materials will be provided. Hosted by Wash. County CAN Council
21 Calais Avenue (the former Calais First Congregational Church)
Calais — Wiggles & Giggles Playgroup
Fridays 10:30 – 11:30
Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and caregivers are all invited to join us for songs, stories, crafts, fun, and more!
Calais Free Library, 9 Union Street, Calais | 454-2758
Columbia Falls — Big Sibling Class
A play-based, one hour class to get ready to be a big brother or sister!
Offered every other month, 10:00 – 11:00am Contact LeAnne for dates at
Columbia Falls Library, 8 Point Street, Columbia Falls | 483-1255
Jonesport — Playgroup for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Tuesdays 10:30am – Noon
Peabody Memorial Library, 162 Main Street, Jonesport | 497-3003
Lubec — “Friday Playgroup”
Playgroup for all ages (with their caregivers)
Every Friday: 10am – 12pm
At these mixed age events, children will have access to an impressive inventory of loose parts. Think milk crates, fabrics, cardboard boxes, retired electronics and so much more! Children are invited to create their own narratives and utilize items how they see fit, without an overarching agenda. The result is an engaging experience that builds confidence, strengthens critical thinking skills and fosters a child’s innate ability to play. Bring a snack, water bottle, and wear play clothes. Check the website for cancellations before attending.
Cobscook Institute, 10 Commissary Point Road, Lubec
Lubec — Wiggles & Giggles Playgroup
Wednesdays 10:15am
Songs, stories, and play for babies & toddlers.
Lubec Memorial Library, 55 Water Street, Lubec | 733-2491
Machias — Indoor & Outdoor Infant Toddler Playgroup
Ages 0 – 5
Fridays 10 – 11:00am
Get a chance to meet other parents while your kiddo gets some energy out. Hosted by Wash. County CAN Council
Warm weather months: Salem Street Playground, Machias
Cold weather months: Porter Memorial Library, 92 Court Street (use the rear entrance at the back of the building)
Milbridge — WHRLigig Infant & Toddler Playgroup
Wednesdays 10:00 – 11:00am
For parents and caregivers with kids from birth to 5 years old. Coffee and tea available for parents.
Women For Healthy Rural Living (WHRL), 87 Main Street (front door entrance), Milbridge | 546-7677
FACEBOOK Groups for Families:
Downeast Family Fun: A Facebook Group Page
Join this great Facebook group and find out about fun activities for kids and their families from all around Washington County.
Kids Hiking Club of Washington County:
We gather at kid appropriate hiking trails to find adventure and community through exploring the outdoors with our children.
Find all the information in our Facebook Group (click the link above)
Machias Area Family Activities:
A Facebook group created to help disseminate information about various family events and meet-up opportunities going on in the Machias area. This will also be the internet home of the Tuesday story hour currently meeting at Porter Memorial Library. Plans to meet, changes, or cancellations will be handled through the Events section of this page.
Make sure you check out our Children’s Library Programs page for your local community library’s story hour and other activities for kids.