Your public library is a great place to find books and DVDs for your child. The following libraries offer story times and activities for you and your child to enjoy. Please contact the library before planning your trip as times may change based on school schedules or the weather.
Baileyville — Woodland Public Library
“Storytime” Story, craft, and snack!
Tuesdays 3:30 – 4:30 pm
169 Main St., Baileyville | 427-3235
Calais — Calais Free Library
“Homeschool Group” For school-aged children and families
Thursdays 12:00—2:00pm
“Wiggles and Giggles” Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and caregivers are all invited to join us for songs, stories, crafts, fun, and more!
Fridays 10:30—11:30am
9 Union Street, Calais | 454-2758
Cherryfield — Cherryfield Public Library
The library welcomes children of all ages! No regular programs are scheduled at this time.
35 Main Street, Cherryfield | 546-4228
Columbia Falls — Columbia Falls Town Library
“Big Sibling Class” A play-based, one hour class to get ready to be a big brother or sister!
Offered every other month, 10:00 – 11:00am Contact LeAnne for dates at
8 Point Street, Columbia Falls | 483-1255
Cutler — Louise Clements Library (at the Cutler Town Office)
The library is getting a refresh. Stay tuned for more programs.
Dennysville — Lincoln Memorial Public Library
“Storytime” for children in first through fourth grades. Alternating weeks between children from the Pembroke School and children from the Edmunds School.
Tuesday afternoons (Call for more information)
17 King Street, Dennysville | (26-4750
Eastport — Peavey Memorial Library
The library offers seasonal events for children and their families. Click on the link above to check their facebook page. The library staff hope to have a program update for pre-schoolers coming soon.
26 Water St., Eastport | 853-4021
Harrington — Gallison Memorial Library
They have a great children’s library and the librarians will read stories to children on request.
1292 Main Street, Harrington | 483-4547
Jonesport / Beals / Addison —Peabody Memorial Library
The library offers many activities and special events for children. Click on the library link above to see the list of upcoming events.
162 Main Street, Jonesport | 497-3003
Lubec — Lubec Memorial Library
“Wiggles and Giggles” Songs, stories and play for babies & toddlers.
Wednesdays 10:15am
“Lego Club” Come and Build! We’ll provide the Legos, you provide the imagination.
Wednesdays 1:30pm – 3:00pm
55 Water Street, Lubec | 733-2491
Machias — Porter Memorial Library
“Storytime at the Library” A volunteer or guest will read a story and provide a craft for children in the Children’s Library. Tuesdays, 11:00am – 12:00pm
“Bumps and Babies” A place of support for all moms and caregivers during pregnancy and postpartum.
1st Thursday of the month, 10:00am
“Playgroup” For parents and caregivers of children birth to 5 years old. 1 hour of fun!
Fridays, 10:00am (Note: Use the rear entrance at the back of the building) Hosted by Sunrise Opportunities Prevention Council
“Storywalk” A year-round “storywalk” has been installed in the backyard of the library. The book selection, which is tied to the seasons, is changed each month. Recipe accompaniments will be available at the end of the walk!
Families are welcome to visit the backyard storywalk at any time. This installation is done in partnership with Healthy Acadia.
52 Court Street, Machias | 255-3933
Princeton – Princeton Public Library
“Story Hour” Themed stories, crafts and snacks!
3rd Wednesday of the month 4p – 5p
“Summer of Science Program” with the 4H Club (5 weeks in the summer months only), contact the Library for more information.
40 Main Street, Princeton | 796-5333
Whitneyville — Whitneyville Public Library
The library offers a children’s reading program during the Summer months. Call for more info.
51 School Street, Whitneyville | 255-8077