Child Development & Parent Support

Car Seat Safety Program: 255-0481

Free child car seats & booster seats for low-income families. Installation assistance, safety & recall information, car seat checks, and free trainings available to groups or individuals
Machias: Maine Families 255-0481

Catholic Charities Education Services: 1-800-781-8550

Support services for parents with children who are blind or visually impaired

Child Development Services (CDS): 255-4892

Screenings and evaluations; Services for preschool children with special needs

Family Respite Program (through NAMI Maine): 1-800-464-5767

NAMI Maine Family Respite exists to assist families by enabling a much needed break in the responsibility of caring for a child with significant developmental delays and behavioral or emotional disorders. Through a certified provider network, trained per diem staff are available to care for children with special needs in their communities so that their parents can get a break. Qualified applicants can earn extra income while providing short-term relief to families of children with disabilities and special needs.

Hear Me Now: 688-4544 x205

Parent-Infant support program to assist in education of infants who are deaf or hearing impaired

Help Me Grow – Maine: 1-833-714-7969 or 207-624-7969

Help Me Grow Maine is a free information line for families AND providers in Maine. They provide information about child development, pregnancy, and community resources for children all over Maine up to the age of eight years old, including developmental screenings. When you call, you will be connected to a Family Support Specialist who will listen, link you to services, and provide ongoing support when needed.
Email: or call 211, and choose option 5 to speak to a Family Support Specialist.

Maine Equal Justice Partners: 1-866-626-7059

Help navigating MaineCare programs for different family needs; Help with TANF or Aspire sanctions, and more…

Maine Families: 255-0481

Home Visitors provide support for expectant parents and parents of newborns, providing resources around infant care, healthy growth and development, home safety, and more. Services also include: Lactation counseling, car seat safety technicians, online resource library.

Nurse Bridging Program: 598-5639

Support for prenatal moms who have a high-risk pregnancy, or moms with newborns that have medical complications. Program can provide home visiting nurses to work with families to help address their immediate needs and identify & facilitate on-going supports.

The Openshaw Spot  (Occupational Therapy Clinic): Machias 598-7775 / Milbridge 546-2880

Casey Openshaw is a pediatric therapist looking to serve kids in Downeast Maine. Pediatric occupational therapy focuses on helping children develop the skills they need to grow into independent adults. Currently Casey is contracted through CDS as an early intervention provider as well as serving her own clients in her home based clinic. Also on Facebook.
53 Fremont Street, Machias
231 North Main Street, Milbridge

Parenting/Parent Enrichment Classes (from Sunrise Opportunities/CAN): 263-5270

Free courses are offered in Machias, Calais and other locations around the county several times a year.  Courses include: “Active Parenting”, Cooperative Co-Parenting Through Separation & Divorce”, “Nurturing Father”, “Circle of Security Parenting”, “Nurturing Parents Through Treatment & Recovery”, “Infant Safe Sleep”, “Period of Purple Crying”. Call for more information about the classes and workshops, and to find out about locations and times. Or click here to find out more and to sign up.

Parenting Support Groups

Click here to go to our Support Groups page.  There are many active support groups for parents, grandparents, parents in recovery, parents of children with special needs and more.

Project Linus: 598-5963

Handmade quilts for children who are ill, experienced trauma “or need a hug”

Public Health Nursing (PHN): 287-4112 / 1-877-763-0438

Nurse Home Visiting – Nurses can provide support to parents in their home if they have an infant with a medical condition or who has been exposed to substances prenatally.  This is a free service for residents of Maine, no insurance or Mainecare required

Whole Family Coaching (DCP): Calais 664-2424 / Machias 259-5015

Support for anyone who needs help tackling an issue and finding the resources that may be available to them. Whether it be finding childcare, reliable transportation, any kind of life issue. The Family Coach can come to your home to work with you or you can meet at the DCP offices or another location convenient to you. No fees – MaineCare is not required
11 Church Street, Calais
7 VIP Drive, Machias

Safe Families for Children: 713-0523

Volunteer host families provide temporary safe care for children while their parents take time to cope with stress or difficult situations in their lives. This arrangement is made between the parent/caregiver and Safe Families and does not involve DHHS.

SSI Benefits for Infants: 1-800-772-1213

Disability benefits for premature babies or babies born with a low birth-weight called “presumptive disability” on SSI website

We Care Community Baby Center: 255-8903

Free diapers, wipes and other baby care needs available monthly to WIC or MaineCare eligible families. We Care also has a closet of gently used clothing, shoes, outerwear, toys, and books donated from the community and We Care participants. For more information contact:
Machias: 5 Water Street
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursday 9a – 11am
Tuesdays 9a – 1p
We Care now provides delivery service for Machias and Lubec for families that cannot get to the center due to lack of transportation, illness, or other issues. Message We Care’s Facebook page to get on the delivery list.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Calais 454-3634 | Machias 255-8280

Healthy food packages and food vouchers for pregnant women and children up until they turn five (food includes eggs, cheese, whole grains, peanut butter, fruit & vegetables, baby foods, formula, Farmer’s market vouchers and so much more); Prenatal vitamins; Breastfeeding support. Mainecare not required to be eligible. Call for more info or to make an appointment.

Calais: 10 Barker Street, Suite D  454-3634
Tuesdays 10a – 6p, Fridays 8a – 4pm

Eastport: 30 Boynton Street (at Eastport Health Center)
For Eastport dates and times call the Machias office  255-8280

Machias: 247 Main Street   255-8280
Mondays 8am – 4pm
Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Wednesdays 8am – 4pm
Thursdays 8am – 4pm
Fridays 8am – 4pm

Milbridge: 87 Main Street (at the WHRL – Women for Healthy Rural Living building)
2nd & 3rd Wednesday of each month 9a – 2:30p                                              Call the Ellsworth office to schedule an appointment for Milbridge  667-5304

WINGS: 1-800- 823-2988

Case management services for children with cognitive and behavioral challenges, mental health, medical, and developmental diagnosis

Safety Tips for Parents and Care Givers

Choking Assistance for Infants and Toddlers:

This helpful article from the ACLS Training Center explains hazards for children as well as the signs of choking and how to provide emergency assistance for a choking child.

Lead Dust Test Kit:

This is a free kit available from the Maine CDC for you to test for lead paint dust.  They also offer other resources and information on how to test your child for lead, get your home inspected for lead, and how to identify other sources of lead in your home.

Safe Kids Worldwide:

This online resource specializes in safety tips for caregivers on topics such as safety around cars, in the kitchen, choking hazards and toys, swimming safety and pool protection, and they also offer helpful tools like making safety plans for emergencies like escaping a fire, and they offer specific safety tips for parents with children who have special needs.

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